Includes information about manuscript preparation and submission, open access, and conflicts of interest:
Forms for Authors : Transmittal Form
If you would like to submit a manuscript or have any questions, please contact T&I by email.
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Journal Policies
Open Access Policy
Technology & Innovation (T&I) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal. Each article accepted by peer review is made freely available online immediately upon publication, published under a Creative Commons license and hosted online in perpetuity.
Article Processing Charge (APC)
Article processing charges ensure that each article will be made freely available online immediately upon publication, will be hosted online in perpetuity, and receive professional copyediting and proofing. Publication costs of the journal are covered by the collection of article processing charges, which are paid by the funder, institution, or author of each manuscript after the article has been accepted by peer review. Each submission will be charged $1680 in article processing charges.
Dues-paying NAI Fellows and Senior Members will receive a 20% discount on article processing charges.
Many institutions and funding sources will allow you to apply for funding to publish your research open access, which may occur at the point of applying for the research funding or once you have completed the research. If you are interested in publishing with Technology & Innovation but believe you will be unable to pay the article processing charges, please contact [email protected]. Please note that refunds will not be given if articles are retracted due to author error or misconduct.
Peer Review
Technology & Innovation is a peer reviewed journal. Peer review is a vital part of scientific publishing because it confirms the validity of the science in each manuscript. Through the peer review process, manuscripts should become more accurate, more thorough, more useful, and easier to read. Technology & Innovation uses peer review to ensure that the papers published are of the highest quality possible. Technology & Innovation uses a single-blind peer review process.
Ethics and Malpractice Statement
The publishers and editorial board of Technology & Innovation have adopted the publication ethics and malpractice statements of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) ( These guidelines highlight what is expected of authors and what they can expect from the reviewers and editorial board in return. They also provide details of how problems will be handled. Briefly:
Author Responsibilities: Authors listed on a manuscript must have made a significant contribution to the study and/or writing of the manuscript. During revisions, authors cannot be removed without their permission and that of the other authors. All authors must also agree to the addition of new authors. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that this occurs.
Financial support and conflicts of interest for all authors must be declared. Further information on this can be obtained from the International Committee for Medical Journal Editors (
The reported research must be novel and authentic and the authors should confirm that the same data has not been and is not going to be submitted to another journal (unless already rejected). Statements made in the introduction and discussion should be supported by appropriate references and sufficient experimental detail should be provided to allow for repetition of the study by another group. Plagiarism of the text/data will not be tolerated and could result in retraction of an accepted article. Any text or figures reproduced from another source require the permission from the original copyright holders (normally the publishers).
Any manipulation of figures should be described in the figure legend (including pseudocoloring) and must not change the meaning of the figure.
When humans, animals or tissue derived from them have been used, then mention of the appropriate ethical approval must be included in the manuscript.
Reviewer responsibilities: Reviewers are expected to not possess any conflicts of interest with the authors and nor their research. They should review the science objectively and provide recommendations for improvements where necessary. When aware of relevant published work not being cited, the reviewers should recommend inclusion of these references. If the reviewer feels that they would be unable to repeat the study as described, then additional methodological details should be requested. Any unpublished information read by a reviewer should be treated as confidential.
Editorial responsibilities: The editors are expected to select an appropriate number of reviewers for the manuscript so that they can make an informed decision about whether to reject/accept a manuscript. Their decision must be based only on the paper’s importance, originality, clarity and whether it is suitable for the journal. They must not have a conflict of interest with the authors or work described. The anonymity of the reviewers must be maintained.
Should problems come to light after acceptance then the editors agree to promote the publication of corrections and/or retractions as deemed necessary.
Publishing responsibilities: The publishers agree to ensure that, to the best of their abilities, the information that they publish is genuine and ethically sound. If publishing ethics issues come to light, not limited to accusations of fraudulent data or plagiarism, during or after the publication process, they will be investigated by the editors, including contact with the author’s institutions if necessary, so that a decision on the appropriate corrections, clarifications, or retractions can be made. The publishers agree to publish this as necessary so as to maintain the integrity of the academic record.
Protection for Research Participants
These policies are in accordance with the recommendations of The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
1. If experiments or research reported in the article involve human subjects, the authors must indicate if their procedures were approved by an Institutional Review Board, ethics committee, or similar regulatory oversight committee. If a review board or committee are not available, the authors must indicate that their procedures are in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration as revised in 2013.
2. Manuscripts must be accompanied by a statement that the informed consent of research participants was obtained prior to participation or that documentation of informed consent was waived by the Institutional Review Board, ethics committee, or similar regulatory oversight committee.
3. If images or other identifying information is included in the manuscript, explicit written informed consent of the individual/patient must be obtained and included with your submission. Measures to protect the confidentiality of the individual(s) should also be employed. If consent cannot be obtained, contact the editor for further guidance.
1. If experiments or research reported in the article involve animals, the authors must indicate if their procedures were performed in accordance with the U.S. Public Health Service’s (PHS) Policy on Human Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and were approved by appropriate institutional review committee(s).
Editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts if there is doubt that appropriate ethical standards have been met in research involving human and animal subjects or if there is reason to suspect research misconduct.
T&I and NIH Public Access Policy
According to the NIH Public Access Policy, authors are required to make NIH-funded research results publicly available and to deposit resulting manuscripts in PubMed Central. Technology & Innovation provides manuscript deposition services to authors who choose this option during the submission process. To opt-in to this service, authors must provide any relevant funding information as part of their submission to Technology & Innovation. Manuscripts will be submitted after final print publication in T&I and will link back to Ingenta Connect’s access page.
For authors who wish to deposit manuscripts themselves, please allow a release date of six months after print publication in Technology & Innovation. Please note, some journals have 12-month embargo periods.
Author Use Policy
After publication, authors may post the accepted version of the paper on the author’s personal website, provided that a link is included to the final version published in Technology & Innovation.
Full-text articles are accessible through Technology & Innovation’s Ingenta Connect page.
NAI Fellows Submission Policy
NAI Fellows can participate in Technology & Innovation in multiple ways, including contributing their own submissions, serving as designated editors for the submissions of other scholars, or serving as peer reviewers.
NAI Fellow-Contributed Submissions
NAI Fellows may submit up to three personal manuscripts for publication in T&I each year following these guidelines: 1) The work must be wholly or substantially conceived and carried out by the Fellow, 2) The subject of the submission should fall within the Fellow’s field of expertise, and 3) The Fellow must submit the comments of at least two qualified, non-conflicted reviewers with the final manuscript. T&I review forms can be obtained from [email protected].
NAI Fellow-Contributed Submissions are evaluated by the editorial team, and the Editors will make all final decisions on the acceptance of manuscripts.
NAI Fellow-Edited Submissions
Prior to submission to Technology & Innovation, an author may ask an NAI Fellow to oversee the review process of a manuscript submission following these guidelines: 1) The corresponding author must secure the agreement of a non-conflicted NAI Fellow before submitting an article to T&I, 2) The corresponding author should confirm the Fellow’s availability to review the submission during the given time period, 3) The Fellow must provide substantive review comments to Technology & Innovation regarding the submission, and 4) The corresponding author must submit the revised manuscript to Technology & Innovation. In the event that the Fellow designated by the author is unable to edit the manuscript, the Editors may decide to select another Editor to handle the submission review process.
In addition, a non-conflicted Fellow can choose to oversee the submission, review, and acceptance process for a particular publication written by another scholar following these guidelines: 1) The Fellow is responsible for receiving the initial submission and sending it out for peer review, 2) The Fellow must obtain the comments of at least two qualified, non-conflicted reviewers, 3) The Fellow must assure that the manuscript has been revised in accordance with peer review commentary, and 4) The Fellow must submit the final manuscript and supporting documentation to Technology & Innovation.
NAI Fellow-Edited Submissions are evaluated by the editorial team, and the Editors will make all final decisions on the acceptance of manuscripts.
NAI Fellow-Edited Submissions are published with a disclosure indicating the type of submission and respective NAI Fellow. A Fellow may oversee reviews for up to four manuscripts each year.
N.B. The standard submission process does not require authors to designate NAI Fellows for submission.
Note on Manuscript Decisions
The Editors will make all final decisions on the acceptance of manuscripts. For manuscripts accepted pending revisions, revised manuscripts must be received within two months of the decision notification. If not received within three months, they will be treated as new submissions.
If you have any questions, please contact the T&I Journal at [email protected]
All contributions should be evaluated on the basis of their general usefulness for our readers. That evaluation should include scientific quality, originality, and compliance with the style and format of the journal. Technology & Innovation utilizes a single-blind peer review method. If you are interested in serving as a reviewer for T&I, please contact T&I by email.
For information on subscriptions, please contact T&I by email.
Advertising, Marketing, Sponsorships, and Reprints
For information about advertising in the journal, sponsoring the journal, or ordering reprints of past issues, please contact T&I at by email.
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• All pixel-based ads and images must be a minimum of 150 ppi (pixels per inch) at final print size.
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• Ad must be submitted as a PDF.
For reprints prior to Volume 18, please contact Cognizant Communications at +1-845-603-6440 or [email protected]