Below is a summary of the benefits you receive as an NAI Fellow as well as, important deadlines, and induction ceremony information. 


As an active NAI Fellow, you receive many benefits, including:

  • The exclusive privilege to use the honorary designation of FNAI after your name (ex. John E. Smith, FNAI) and access to a Fellow seal for your signature.
  • Inclusion of your name on a commemorative plaque permanently displayed at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) headquarters in Alexandria, VA.
  • Your name read in Congress and displayed in the Congressional Record, announcing the NAI Fellows Class
  • Recognition on the NAI website, in press releases, news stories, and social media, as well as a listing in the online annual Fellows Book. 
  • The opportunity to serve on national committees of the NAI and its partner organizations.
  • The opportunity to serve as an Invention Ambassador, a program created in collaboration with the USPTO that showcases accomplished inventors across diverse fields, addressing the pivotal role of innovation in driving social, economic, and environmental progress
  • The opportunity to feature your inventive journey through NAI media such as Invention Insider and From Campus to Commerce
  • Receive the latest news from NAI Members around the world and share your own accomplishments through the NAI newsletter and social media channels.
  • Discounted prices for publishing in Technology and Innovation, the open-access journal owned by the NAI. This multidisciplinary forum focuses on transformative technology and academic innovation.
  • A 20% discount on all NAI Annual Conferences, a gathering of the greatest minds in innovation tackling the most pressing topics of today and tomorrow
  • Access to the NASA Federal Credit Union with exclusive offers and preferred rates
  • Exclusive opportunities to engage in a variety of ways with other NAI Members and next generation inventors across NAI Member Institutions by joining the Global Academic Inventors Network (GAIN)

For more information, visit the Fellows Resource page, where you can also download your Fellow seal and logo.

Programs & Services:

NAI Chapters
As a NAI Fellow, you have a unique opportunity to help lead innovation efforts at your institution through an NAI Chapter. These Chapters allow inventors at NAI Member institutions to connect with one another locally through activities and events. There are over 50 NAI Chapters across the nation serving as hubs of innovation for their institutions and communities. If your institution is not an NAI Member or has yet to establish a Chapter, you are qualified to lead these efforts and encourage the support of the leaders of your institution. This is an excellent way to connect students, staff, and faculty interested in fostering the spirit of innovation at your institution. Visit our Chapters page for more information on starting a Chapter of the NAI or to access Chapter materials.

Global Academic Inventors Network (GAIN)
As an NAI Fellow, you have the opportunity to inspire the next generation of innovators by joining GAIN. This program allows you to share your unique expertise and experiences with eager students who are ready to learn from the best. By becoming a mentor, you can make a meaningful impact on the careers of aspiring inventors, contribute to shaping the future of innovation, and strengthen your legacy as a leader in your field. Interested in mentoring or recommending students? Visit the GAIN link or email [email protected] to get started.

Important Deadlines:
January, 2025

Register for the 14th NAI Annual Conference and Fellows Induction Ceremony, which will take place on June 23-26, 2025, in Atlanta, Georgia. Visit our website for the latest conference details and registration link. Register using the email address you received your welcome email at to get your discount code automatically applied. The registration deadline is Monday, June 16th, 2025.

 February 26, 2025

To be considered for a presentation at our annual conference, submit your abstract by February 26th. Incoming Fellows have the exclusive opportunity to present as a featured speaker at this year’s conference.

Abstracts can be focused on a field of study or be related to the 2025 conference theme Forward Together: Innovating With Purpose. All abstracts must be submitted by March 14, 2025 for consideration. Space is limited, so please submit ASAP. 

Click here to upload your abstract.

March 1, 2025

Complete the new Fellow Information Survey via our form to ensure we have all of your information correct, a recent headshot, and a brief sentence that highlights your greatest accomplishment which will be featured on your slide during the induction ceremony.

Your headshot should be in color and at least 300 dpi resolution. (Professional or lab headshots only, please.) Before you begin filling out the form, have your headshot and audio file with name pronunciation/phonetic spelling ready to be uploaded.

If you do not have your headshot available by this date, please still complete the form and then email your photo and audio name file to: [email protected] by the April 1, 2025 deadline to be included in the 2024 Fellows Book. 

June 23-26, 2025

Attend the 14th NAI Annual Conference and Fellows Induction Ceremony in Atlanta, Georgia. The Annual Conference is the premier opportunity to connect with top innovators and leaders from across the global innovation community, as well as honor and celebrate the accomplishments of our incredible members.

Lifetime Dues

Annual dues play a vital role in supporting the Fellows Program and in honoring and recognizing future generations of top innovators. You will receive the first 2024 NAI Fellows annual dues email in late January, which will include a secure online payment link and an option to generate a printable invoice for institutional payments.

Starting in 2025, the annual dues email will be sent each July. A lifetime dues option is available upon request and offers additional recognition on the NAI website.

Contact Your Membership Team:

  Cheryl Hedrick, Assistant Director of Membership: [email protected]

  Diana Jerome, Director of Membership & Community Engagement: [email protected]

Reach the entire membership team at [email protected].

Don’t forget to add your new designation: FNAI and download your Fellow seal to add to your electronic signature and social media!   

Want to nominate your colleagues to become an NAI Fellow? Click on the Fellows Page Fellows Nomination process link.